Saturday, December 5, 2009


My Database Manager is your pocket data manager. It is designed for pocket computers, and has a very small footprint.

My Database Manager is based on SQLite Database. SQLite is powerful database engine so you can use it from My Database Manager.

Most Database Management program is not easy to handle. but My Database Manager use Easy Interface and Templet so you can use My Database Manager without knowledge of database.

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We always love to hear your suggestions! We promise that we read every suggestion and consider all feedback as we work to improve My Database Manager.



[Full database features support]

-Unlimited database.
-You can add SQL statement in database.
-Unlimited table.
-Table support 25 column and SQL statement.
-Primary Key, Auto increase column support.
-Unlimited record.
-Easy to Add, Edit, Delete.

[Database, table templet support]
-You can create Database/Table just one tapping using templet.
-Create your own templet. it can send to other.

[Full support Landscape view in all views]
-You can set Enable/Disable landscape view.

[Backup and Transfer, Export/Import]
-Import/Export using Web Server.
-You can use database to other computer by CSV export.
-You backup all data by copy db or export.
-You can import SQLite Database and My Database`s Templet file.
-Auto import support : just upload to your device, then My DB Manager handle all import work.

[Search, Sort]
-All database`s table search support.
-Provide 9 kind Search Operator.
-Sort record by one tapping.
-Search result can Export to file or Store to new table.
-Can update all result set`s record by one tapping.
-Can delete all result set`s record by one tapping.

[Full Manual support][Can change Page view number, font size, landscape view mode]

== More Templet, More Viewer will support! ==